



We’re always cookin’ up something. Always vegetarian, usually whole foods, sometimes something sweet! 

Veggie Fritters

Fantastic Veggie Feta Fritters

Rebel Mikaela here with another super yummy and super doable recipe! It's no secret that I'm not an experienced chef ...

Ginger golden delight syrup recipe

In our post Incredible Edible Ginger we shared just a few of the healing properties of ginger that we discovered ...

Butternut squash cauliflower mac and cheese

At Rebel Roots H.Q. we love veggies and loooooove mac and cheese! With this recipe you get the awesomeness and ...

Incredible edible ginger!

Ginger! Tasty and... healing! Here are some awesome things about ginger!"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." ...

20 minute dinner we love (curry and naan version)

I, Rebel Mik, am relatively new to cooking. And since apparently running skills don't transfer to the kitchen, I'm particularly ...
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