Herbal Medicine

The Roots Practice offers herbal medicine consultations by Katheryna Sansone, a qualified medicinal herbalist. Book a 90-minute consultation and receive your personally tailored herbal prescription or learn more about the consult and herbal medicine below.

What to expect
A 90-minute consultation with Katheryna, a qualified herbalist. We will explore your presenting complaints and take time to consider lifestyle, medications, supplements, diet, mood, sleep, family history, general concerns, challenges, and more. Following this you will receive a tailored herbal prescription (e.g., tea and/or tincture) carefully designed to match your individual constitution and symptoms. These prescriptions consider your age, body type, emotional well-being, medical history, and other significant aspects of your identity. Consequently, even if your symptoms resemble someone else’s, your medication will be distinct. You’ll receive a well-rounded herbal remedy that acknowledges your unique qualities and traits.

The most delicate yet effective therapeutic agents in nature are medicinal plants. They will promote significant healing and change while also nourishing and bolstering your body, mind, and spirit. Herbs can assist you in making improvements to your health that will last long after you stop taking them since they function at such a deep level and in accordance with your body’s natural processes.

Katheryna holds a first-class BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine degree from Lincoln College. In her degree, numerous orthodox medical areas are covered, including anatomy and physiology, medical history, philosophy, clinical practise, research, pathophysiology, biochemistry, nutrition, phytochemistry, pharmacy, and countless hours of herbal treatments along with the same fundamental clinical abilities taught to all doctors, and 500+ hours of clinical experience with herbal therapy. Additionally, the National Institute of Medical Herbalists, the professional organisational body, requires a rigorous practical exam.

About herbal medicine
Western herbal medicine employs botanicals and dietary adjustments to support health and wellbeing. Herbal medicine and traditional medicine complement one another and share historical roots with systemic body classifications and disease concepts. In the 20th century however, mainstream medicine leaned towards lab-made drugs over natural plant remedies. Medical herbalists, therefore, offer holistic patient care with diagnostic skills akin to traditional doctors. We prioritise treating the person, not just the ailment. Our focus is on identifying and addressing the root causes of disorders, not just their symptoms.

Differences between herbal medicine and traditional medicine
Instead of using medicines or surgery to force the body to heal, we employ herbs to aid in its natural healing process. Because we concentrate more on the root cause than the symptoms, responses are frequently slower and less dramatic, but health improvements can be sustaining. Rather than using a medication with just one active ingredient, we leverage unaltered plant material. One plant may have numerous health benefits without causing any negative side effects. For instance, the herb Meadowsweet, from which aspirin was originally produced, has anti-inflammatory and digestive calming properties. Pharmaceutical medications, on the other hand, are often made for a single function and almost always have unfavourable side effects partly due to this isolation process. We also pay close attention to the patient’s diet because plants can also be consumed as food. This is especially beneficial for people with arthritis, candida imbalance, psoriasis, and those experiencing menopausal difficulties.

Because these plants evolved alongside humans and are therefore more likely to be compatible with our constitutions, the majority of western medicinal herbalists prefer to employ herbs from Europe.

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