4 upper body bodyweight exercises we love

Personal trainer Mik

I’m a big fan of bodyweight training! In fact for the last year I have almost exclusively trained by bodyweight doing hiit, low-impact, yoga and a bit of weighted backpack lifting on the side. Here are 4 of my favourite upper body exercises.

I would typically combine these with a few (2-4 depending on client level) of my other favourite exercises and try them out for 30-45 seconds with 10-20 seconds rest. I would usually do this 1-4 times through, again, depending on level.

I hope you enjoy and if you try them out, let me know how it goes and how you integrated them into your routine!

1. High plank low plank

2. Mountain climber push-up

3. Tricep push-up

4. Side-to-side push-up

4 upper body bodyweight exercises we love
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